Monday, March 12, 2007

Shake that Laffy Taffy

On Saturday night Erin, Becky, Chip, Danny(Erin's brother), and some of Erin's Washington friends and I went and saw Bridge to Teribithia. Before we went Erin and I stopped by a gas station to pick up some treats, we decided on taffy. It was the best decision I have made in years. I didn't realize how much I love taffy, it brings such joy. We ate almost the whole bag during the movie. And went and bought some more today. Oh the joys of salt water taffy! For some strange reason they remind me of the Wollenziens house, I remember Donna having a drawer full of taffy at one point. In fact I think that might have been the last time I ate taffy. Today the taffy I bought only cost 68 cents we were all shocked. Lily said, "I was surprised at how cheap they were especially because of what hard work goes into making taffy. Taffy pullers have such big muscles..." We all laughed .

On to the shaking of the laffy taffy. Last night "the gang" gathered together so everyone could get a chance to stare at Erin. We had a great night, somehow it ended up with Becky and Chip blowing up long balloons (the kind you make balloon animals with) and attaching them to me as a tail. Moments later I was dancing for the whole crowd shaking my tail and doing some pretty technical moves... The favorite move of the night was when I bent over trying to catch my tail through my legs and my tail would bob up and down becoming impossible to reach, everyone laughed, but my guess is they were all thinking, wow kaylene really is the weird one. And maybe there is some truth to that sentence or maybe I just got a little hyphe (if you don't know what this is look it up in the urban dictionary on line). You never can quite "tail" with these things.

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